Flashphoto Group Electronic
Flash S20
The compact S20 flash, introduced simultaneously with the OM-2000 is not an System Flash.
There is no dedicated (TTL) or semi-dedicated (flash ready/flash ok signal) function at
all with any OM body, not even with the OM-2000. Instead it is a generic, plain computer
flash with two working apertures (F2.8 and F5.6, 100 ASA) with a Guide Number of 20m (100
ASA). Coverage angle of a 35mm lens. It includes a wide adapter that increases the
coverage angle to a 24mm lens (reducing the GN to 14). The flash is extremely lightweight
(70g w/o batteries) and very small (WxDxH = 56x28x82mm). Number of flashes on two AA LR 6
alkaline batteries is 280. Color temperature is 5900K (5800K with wide adapter). Besides
the two Auto Modes there's also a Manual Mode. Flash duration 1/30.000~1/1200sec in Auto
Mode and 1/1200sec in Manual Mode.