Flashphoto Group       T8 Ring Flash 2 & Reflector 1 & Reflector 2

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Summary Main Characteristics Notes - Related Units
The T8 Ring Flash 2 screws into the front of the camera lens and links with the T Power Control 1 mounted to the camera, to provide shadowless lighting at extremely close camera distances.
Ring flashes are especially intended for macro lenses.
The unique concept of this ring flash unit is to provide soft, indirect lighting for close-up subjects. The flash is bounced off Reflector 1 or Reflector 2 to reach the subject indirectly. This makes possible completely shadowless lighting for any subject smaller than the reflector. It completely solves the problem of ring shaped reflections.
A TTL "OTF" Auto ring flash specially designed for close-up and macrophotography.
Guide number is 8m (100 ASA) at peak.
A modelling light in the form of eight electric bulbs are built into the flash surface to facilitate focusing and composition with dark subjects.
This flash unit works in tandem with the T Power Control 1 (containing 4 AA batteries, booster, capacitor, etc.).
Having two threads, the T8 can be screwed into either 49mm � or 55mm � lenses. This excludes the manual macro lenses 20mm/F3.5 and 38mm/F3.5. The Zuiko Macro 20mm/F2 lens is not recommended with the T8 Ring Flash.
The modelling light is powered by the 6V Power Pack 2 or AC Adapter 3.
Reflector 1 is recommended with most subjects; Reflector 2 may be more suitable at extra close working distances.

Main specifications (T8 + T Power Control 1)

Type: Energy-saving, series-circuit type Centralized Control (TTL Auto) flash unit with Manual capability. Electrical connection
Flash to T Power Control 1: the spiral cord of the flash has a connecting plug with bayonet mount that plugs into the T Power Control 1.
T Power Control 1 to camera:
1) clip-on type with hot shoe and lock
2) bracket type with Power Bounce Grip 2 and TTL Auto Cord T
3) free type with TTL Auto Cord 2 and TTL Auto Connector. 
Guide Number: 8m (ASA 100) Calculator Panel: Reversible plate type - blank side for TTL Auto mode on cameras that support TTL flash and calculator side for Manual modes.
Available with scale in meters and in feet for 38mm/F2.8, 50mm/F3.5, 80mm/F4 and 135mm/F4.5 macro lenses.
Coverage angle: 80�.


Aperture setting: continuous, accords with aperture ring setting of camera-linked lens.
Flash confirmation: flash ready and flash OK LED on the T Power Control 1. Viewfinder indication contact provided.
Recycling time: 0.2-10 sec. with AA Alkaline batteries on TTL Auto. Manual flash guide numbers: HI-8 (ASA 100, m) and LOW-3.2 (ASA 100, m).
Flashes per set of AA Alkaline batteries: 100~500 on TTL Auto. Power Sources:
1) Four 1.5V AA 'penlight' batteries (incl. Ni-Cd batteries) inside T Power Control 1
2) Power Bounce Grip 2
3) F.AC Adapter 3.
Color temperature: 5800�K. Illuminators: Eight electric bulbs are built into the front of ring flash unit. Power source: 6V Power Pack 2 or AC Adapter 3.
Mounting on lens: 49mm and 55mm filter thread mount provided.  Dimensions and weight:
T8 Ring Flash main body: 91x18.5mm, 110g.
Reflector 1: 200x32mm, 80g.
Reflector 2: 150x32mm, 40g.
T Power Control 1: 81x70x104mm, 320g (without batteries).

